  Karma Dzong
Buddhist Meditation in the Vajradhatu Tradition

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Atlantic Buddhadharma - sitting practice schedule and dharma study

The Vajradhatu tradition
of Buddhist practice and study was presented by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche to western dharma students in the 1970's & 1980's. It encompasses a spiritual training according to the principles of the hinayana, mahayana and vajrayana. As such, this approach follows the Kagyu and Nyingma lineages of Tibetan Buddhism.
     Karma Dzong was the name for the three main city centers for the Vajradhatu community during this period. The three Karma Dzong centers were located in Boulder Colorado for the USA, Halifax Nova Scotia for Canada and Marburg Germany for Europe. Karma Dzong, in Tibetan means, "Fortress of the Karma Kagyu", referring to the vajrayana school of Tibetan Buddhism headed by the lineage of the Karmapas.
     This current Karma Dzong project, at year 2024, is being done with the aspiration to help revitalize and continue the Vajradhatu tradition. In this spirit, I would like to express my appreciation for the Profound Treasury Retreats led by Judy Lief and the online offerings at The Chronicles of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche from the work of Walter and Joanne Fordham.
     My personal interest in this spiritual tradition is to further my own path through dharma practice and study and to extend this opportunity to my Buddhist friends in a dedicated shrine room space. Currently, the focus is developing a rural retreat setting in New Brunswick Canada. I hope this effort could encourage the spirit of good sangha-ship in combination with a whole hearted presentation of the three yana approach, following the teachings of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
     I envision
gatherings to listen to Rinpoche's teachings, do sitting practice in the Vajradhatu style, have Vajrayogini feasts and study the lojong slogans. I personally love the Vajradhatu way and feel connecting with others can benefit our  journey, individually and collectively.
     I hope these ideas are, in some small way, helpful to practitioners and that they provide encouragement for the continuation of the Vajradhatu tradition.       
    Thank you for your interest....Charles


Vajradhara Buddha is the manifestation of the  enlightened mind and is the source of the Kagyu lineage. Vajradhara manifested to the Indian master Tilopa who became the first human lineage holder of the Kagyu tradition.