Atlantic Buddhadharma 
An Introduction to Buddhist Meditation & Study

Meditation Practice and Study in New Brunswick, Canada
(at Jan. 2024)

Greetings to interested friends...you have reached a 'bulletin board' type web page with information on introductory Buddhist practice and study offerings in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

Weekly sitting meditation, with walking meditation, dharma readings and discussion is a format that seems to be helpful for practitioners. I am aware of this approach being offered in Halifax, Baddeck and the Moncton areas.  Please call, text or email Charles for schedule updates.

Location Options,  Charles may be available to organize and participate in sitting practice in Moncton or Sackville, New Brunswick.  

Nyinthun is a full weekend of sitting meditation practice. I hope this group retreat can happen this coming Spring of 2024. This format was developed by Chogyam Trungpa and includes the practice of functional talking, sitting, walking and mindful meals in a schedule of 8 hours for a Saturday and Sunday. We could collaborate to find a good location for this.


Contact -  Charles Marrow
email: charlesmarrow@yahoo.ca
phone/text: 506-588-7428


                    shrine room                                 meditation room in cabin


                         dharma library                                                kitchen

The Buddhist spiritual path...
includes practice, study and work.
Here are some thoughts of mine regarding how those can be
included in the life of a practitioner, following the teachings
of the Tibetan master, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

A personal sitting meditation schedule can be based on a schedule of mindfulness practice three to six hours per week. This kind of steady and balanced commitment can provide a feeling of calm and quiet steadiness in a person's life. Ideally, one could practice weekly with others, in a group setting, and the other sessions for the week could be done in a quiet and sitting space in ones home. 

Dharma Study:
    A presentation and discussion of key Buddhist teachings can happen after the sitting sessions. Readings that are good for public meditation gatherings are Chogyam Trungpa's teachings on meditation, Shunryu Suzuki's book, Zen Mind Beginner's Mind is very helpful and there are good teachings from western Buddhist teachers available on line and in print.
    Other valuable dharma topics include teachings on the 'four foundations of mindfulness' and the 'three marks of existence' taught by Shakyamuni Buddha in the original Buddhist scriptures. These universal dharma teachings can be found in many books and on the internet.
Our regular daily work can become a genuine part of our spiritual practice when connected with mindfulness and awareness. Trungpa Rinpoche's teachings on this theme were an essential part of how he presented dharma to his Western students.
         garden buddha                                       walking path

camping options