Karma Dzong - Practice & Study
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Practice and Study Programs to be developed

     As a long term Vajradhatu practitioner, I would like to establish, with other sangha members, group practice and study opportunities in a dedicated shrine room space at my Karma Dzong Retreat in Albert County, New Brunswick. This approach follows the principle of the three yana spiritual journey that is intrinsic to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Those 'yanas' or paths are the hinayana leading to individual liberation, the mahayana that aspires to awaken wisdom and compassion and the vajrayana that develops sacred outlook for the practitioner.  
     I hope to collaborate with other practitioners and find formats for teaching and practice that bring the spirit of the practice lineage to life for both participants and myself. Connected with this project, I am creating this web site and maintaining a library of dharma books as resource materials for those interested in the Vajradhatu tradition.
     With these general principles in mind, I think the following dharma topics encompass much of Chogyam Trungpa's Vajradhatu journey.
     The Shrine traditions and liturgies that were established by Trungpa Rinpoche communicate a sense of place and a feeling of having a spiritual home. These practices are an anchor point for the proposed programs.
Nyinthun practice
    This is sitting meditation in the full weekend schedule starting on a Friday evening and continuing to Sunday afternoon with traditional morning and evening chants . This include practicing functional talking and have a sitting schedule of 8 or 9 hours for Saturday and Sunday.

Lojong weekend
   This would include study and contemplation of the slogans of Atisha and Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche's teachings on these.  Teachings on the slogans from His Holiness Karmapa and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche could also be included.

Vajrayogini program 
This weekend program would include the full daily practice and conclude with a complete feast on dakini day.

Sadhana of Mahamudra 
     This weekend program would be for the study and practice of Chogyam Trungpa's seminar on this important sadhana.

Werma Sadhana and Shambhala text study 
This would include study and contemplation of the teachings on the Shambhala root texts, including teachings given at the 1978 Shambhala director's training. Werma Sadhana practice on warrior days.  
Further study topics:
  • Vajra Assembly audio replays - including group sitting practice and discussion
  •  The Four Dharmas of Gampopa -  A study of teachings given by Chogyam Trungpa at Karme Choling in 1975
  • Emptiness and Interdependence - Essential teachings of the Mahayana given by His Holiness Karmapa
  • Crazy Wisdom - The life and eight manifestations of Padmasambhava from  teachings given by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche presented in the book by this name.


A few years ago I made a video of Vajradhatu Seminaries held at Chateau Lake Louise around 1980. Here is a link to the YouTube posting of...

Vajradhatu Seminary Lake Louise
please take a look!

Dharma course document being developed

Vajradhatu Liturgical Calendar - July, August & September 2024
Annual observances for the period are: Autumn Equinox, Harvest of Peace - Sept. 22
Parinirvana of HH Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - Sept. 27

Lunar Day Practice July
10 Chakrasamvara feast  (or Vajrayogini feast) 16
25 Vajrayogini (dakini) feast 1 & 30
15 & 30 Sadhana of Mahamudra (new & full moon) 5 & 21
4 & 19
3 & 18
9, 19 & 29 Werma Sadhana 4, 15 & 25
3, 13 & 23
1, 12 & 21
8 & 28 Jambhala 3 & 14
2 & 12
11 & 30